SINUS Messtechnik Made in Germnay

Noise source identification (sound intensity)

Dodecahedron Our offer for noise source identification (sound intensity) applications includes multi-channel sound intensity measurement systems, sound intensity probes, sound intensity calibrators, comprehensive accessories and evaluation software for measuring and evaluating sound intensity and sound power complying with the national and international IEC 61043 Class 1, ISO 9614-1, 9614-2, 9614-3, ECMA-160 and ANSI-S12-12 standards.

Sound intensity measurements are used for locating sound sources or to determine the sound power emitted from a surface. The SAMURAI option INTENSITY 1 allows calculation and representation of intensity spectra in third octave or constant width bands (selectable number of lines).

The SAMURAI option SOUND POWER ISO 9614 provides the standard-compliant sound power analysis of sound sources based on sound intensity measurements according to ISO 9614 Part 1 (Measurement at discrete points) and Part 2 (Measurement with continuous sampling).

The SAMURAI option SOUND INTENSITY MAP enables you to create a sound pressure and sound intensity map via post-processing.

The measuring instruments Apollo_Box and Soundbook_MK2 are suitable as sound intensity analyzer.

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