SINUS Messtechnik Made in Germnay
Sound Power ISO 9614


Field of Application:

Sound power measurements in reverberation chambers or under free-field conditions are often infeasible for reasons of cost or due to the location of the sound source. However, measurement of the sound power by intensity methods offers an alternative. The DIN EN ISO 9614 standard defines two such methods, which allow satisfactory results to be obtained even under less favorable acoustic conditions (e.g. extraneous noise).


The SAMURAI option SOUND POWER ISO 9614 allows sound power determination of noise sources from sound intensity measurements according to ISO 9614 Part 1 (Measurement at discrete points) and Part 2 (Measurement by scanning).

A clearly laid-out graphical program interface guides the user through the whole measurement procedure (configuring the measurement system, splitting into measurement segments, performing the individual measurements etc.), incorporating the field indicators (quality criteria) according to the norm.

Figure 1:
3D Representation

Figure 2:
Allocation of the measurement area onto digital photographs of the whole sound source

Figure 3:
Measurement results

Figure 4:
Color mapping


Implemented Standards

IEC 61043: Class 1; Electroacoustics; instruments for the measurement of sound intensity; measurement with pairs of pressure sensing microphones

DIN EN ISO 9614-1: Acoustics; determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity; part 1: measurement at discrete points

DIN EN ISO 9614-2: Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity - Part 2: Measurement by scanning

DIN EN ISO 9614-3: Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity - Part 3: Precision method class 1 for measurement by scanning

ANSI-S12-12: Engineering Method for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Intensity

ECMA-160: Determination of Sound Power Levels of Computer and Business Equipment using Sound Intensity Measurements; Scanning Method in Controlled Rooms


Accuracy IEC 61043 Class 1
Sensors Intensity probes with microphone pair
Measurement range ISO 9614 mode: 80 Hz to 6,3 kHz; custom mode: 50 Hz to 10 kHz
  • Measurement at discrete points or by scanning
  • Freely selectable segmentation and measurement sequence
  • Field checking
  • Steady-state checking
  • Sound pressure, intensity and power spectra
  • Spectra for sound power of the entire surface as well as partial sound pressure of the individual surfaces
  • Calculation of the F1, F2, F3 and F4 field indicators as well as checking of the criteria according to DIN EN ISO 9614
  • Color mapping of sound pressure, intensity and power spectra over all partial surface


This software option require a valid SAMURAI license and the SAMURAI option SOUND INTENSITY, which provides the intensity spectra.


Noise Dosimeter